demo graphic

FULL BODY (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)

anatomyDeltoid Group/Biceps/Flexor Carpi
Stand over the barbell. Position your feet underneath at shoulder width. Have the bar cross just in front of your ankles. Point your toes slightly out. Hold your head erect, and tighten your spinal muscles. Rotate your shoulders forward. Now bend over while squatting down, and grip the bar at a wider than shoulder width. Take a 3/4 breath. Stand up, pushing off the floor with your back and legs until you are fully erect with the barbell hanging in front of you. Release and take another 3/4 breath. Bend your knees and take a shallow dip downward, followed by an immediate explosion back upward. As you extend up pull the bar to your chest height with your arms and shoulders. Hold momentarily and lower slowly.

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