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FULL BODY (Beginner//Intermediate//Advanced/Coaching Suggested)

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This exercise is used for developing the muscle strength and technique of coordination used to lift the bar to the point of the Drop. Stand over the barbell. Position your feet underneath at hip width. The bar should cross your metatarsal joints, just in front of your ankles. Point your toes slightly out. Hold your head erect and tighten your spinal muscles. Rotate your shoulders forward. Now bend over while squatting down and grasp the bar with a wide grip. (To establish the gripping distance, see Snatch.) Lock your elbows and position your body so that your arms are vertical to the bar with wrists flexed. Keeping your back muscles contracted, take a 3/4 breath. Using your legs, explode the barbell up off the floor. When the barbell passes your knees, push in with your hips. Your knees will shift back down and under the bar. At the same time, bring your hips in and start to pull the barbell up with your back. This action will bring the bar into contact with your legs at top-thigh. At the moment of contact you accelerate the bar upward with both your legs and back until your body reaches a full extension. At full extension, contract your calves and trapezius muscles simultaneously, raising on your toes and shrugging your shoulders. This movement puts maximum momentum into the barbell.

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