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LEGS & HIP & BACK (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)

This exercise is helpful for working out the final phase of the pull, and for strength in the muscles that create maximum momentum on the bar. Stand over the barbell. Position your feet underneath the barbell at hip width. The bar should cross your feet at the metatarsal toe joints, just in front of your ankles. Point your toes slightly out. Hold your head erect and tighten your spinal muscles. Rotate your shoulders forward. Now bend over while squatting down and grasp the bar with a shoulder width grip. Lock your elbows and position your body so that your arms are vertical to the bar. Keeping your back contracted, take a 3/4 breath. Lift the barbell off the floor, pushing with your legs and pulling with your back until you are standing upright. The bar will be hanging in front of you at groin height. Release your breath and semi relax your back. Redraw your breath and tighten your back muscles again. Now bend over and squat down until the bar reaches your lower thighs. As soon as you achieve the correct position, explode your body upward extending on your toes and contracting your trapezius muscles simultaneously. Remember to keep your elbows locked throughout the entire exercise.

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