AEROBIC Energy created with oxygen, or in the presence of oxygen.
ANAEROBIC Energy created without oxygen, or in the absence of oxygen.
BODYBUILD A sport or fitness activity with emphasis on muscle development, proportion, and size.
ENDORPHINS A brain chemical that eases or suppresses pain.
HYPERVENTILATE A rapid series of quick, deep, and forceful breathe scausing over oxygenation of the blood with accompanying dizzyness or light headedness.
INTENSITY The relative heart rate, speed, or level of exertion expressed as a percentage of the maximum allowable.
LEVERAGE The movement of resistance by rotation about a fixed axis or fulcrum, which lifts or sustains the resistance at one point by means of applied force at the second point.
MICRO CYCLE A high or low intensity exercising period lasting four to six weeks for the purpose of developing muscle size and/or muscle density.
MUSCLE A tissue consisting of elongated fibers which contract on stimulation and produce bodily motion.
NEUROLOGICAL SYSTEM The total biological interaction necessary to transmit an electrical impulse from the brain to another part of the body and then return a feedback responce to the brain.
OVERTRAIN A state in which the body's ability to recover andre-energize itself is diminished to the point of long termexhaustion.
POWER-STRENGTH The amount of work accomplished by a muscle relative to the duration of the effort (work divided by time).
REPETITION A single complete movement of an exercise.
RESISTANCE Any opposing force (mass, air pressure, ect.) which causesa muscle to tense or shorten in an effort to overcome it.
SET A fixed number of repetitions.
SPECIFICITY The choice of an exercise style for a single overallpurpose.
SPOTTER One or more individuals that aid in the saftey, positioning, and performance of a weight resistance exercise.
TESTOSTERONE Male growth hormone responsible for muscle growth and masculine characteristics (facial hair, deep voice, aggressiveness, ect.).
VARIATION The use of alternating similar exercises on a monthly bases.
WEIGHTLIFT A competitive athletic sport in which the winner is selected by lifting the most weight resistance one time inthe snatch and clean with jerk exercises.
WORKLOAD The total of resistance as measured by time and/or effort into days, weeks, or months.

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